
Street art en 3ème et en anglais

Par Marie Michel, publié le jeudi 21 mars 2024 14:57 - Mis à jour le jeudi 21 mars 2024 14:58

This year, with our English teacher, Mrs. Youssfi, one of the topics we studied was around ‘Street Art’ and ‘Art & Power’/

 ‘Comitted Artists’. 

So, we had the opportunity to visit the Space Junk Art Center in Grenoble, a unique network of art center dedicated to

 Art, in general, but mainly street art. During our visit, we explored the exhibition of BRKN/WRLD, accompanied by

 two young women who explained each paiting and graffiti to us. Afterwards, we had the chance to meet the artist

OTIST, our French BANKSY, who took the time to share his drawings with us and explain them, while answering our

 questions prepared with our English teacher. Additionally, OTIST reproduced one of his works on-site in our school's

 courtyard, named ‘Young Minors’, while explaining his artistic approach and technique. He showed us how to use

 spray paint cans. Some volunteers had the opportunity to participate in creating the artwork by learning to use spray

 paint cans, which was a unique experience for the students.